BIBLE STUDY helps members expand their knowledge of the Bible and grow in their spiritual journey. The Westminster Shorter Catechism reminds us the Scriptures principally teach what we are to believe concerning God and what God desires from us. Consequently, as a church, we explore the scriptures so that together we might better understand and more clearly know God who loves us and calls us to live out that love in our daily lives.
We study the stories of the Bible to deepen our relationship with God and to connect our faith with our lives. Our Sunday school curriculum is centered on the study of the Bible, be it an adult lecture or discussion-based, or many classes designed for children and youth. In addition, our church provides various Bible studies throughout the year.
HELPING HANDS is led by the Missions and Outreach and Faith in Action committees with the service provided by volunteers from our membership. Its purpose is to serve other church members by assisting in doing things such as changing light bulbs, retrieving items from high shelves, building handicap ramps, doing small cleaning/repair jobs, and helping with light yard work.
This mission of our church can be reached by dropping a card in the “Helping Hands” box in the church narthex or by calling the church office (850) 627-6576. Please do not hesitate if we can help in any way!
Men of the
MEN OF THE CHURCH are invited to a dinner program in the Fellowship Hall of the church at PM on the first Wednesday of each month.
The Presbyterian Men of the Church sponsor an annual Ladies’ Night dinner, a Father-Son Fish Fry, and a fall carnival, along with other service projects throughout the year.
Women of
the Church
WOMEN OF THE CHURCH are invited to join one of four circles for Bible study, prayer, and social interaction. The circles also provide opportunities for service to our church and community. The Presbyterian Women of the Church support several ministries such as Columbia Friendship Circle and Thornwell Children’s Home. Meetings are held in members’ homes or at the church on the second Monday of the month from September through May. An annual gathering meal and program are held in August of each year.
For more information, please contact the church office at (850) 627-6576.
Circle 1 – 10 AM | Circle 2 – 12:30 PM (includes lunch) | Circle 3 – 12:30 PM (includes lunch)
Circle 4 – 5:30 PM | Circle 5 – 2nd Sunday following worship
Women’s Coordinating Team – 1st Monday of the month at 4 PM
MONTHLY FELLOWSHIP TEAMS help members get to know each other and create the feeling of the church family through small groups. Church officers serve as team leaders. All church members are divided into 12 teams, one for each calendar month.
Being a part of a team helps members meet others and make it easier to become an integral part of the church. Teams get together to socialize and carry out church-related activities and services.
New Member
NEW MEMBER SHEPHERDS is a program that partners new members with established church members to help new folks navigate their first year in the church.
When new members join, established members volunteer to be their “shepherds” as a first step in enabling new members to quickly feel a part of the church. A new member and shepherds luncheon is held in February of each year to honor our new members and their shepherds.
STEPHEN MINISTRY provides quality, Christ-centered care and support to people experiencing grief, divorce, job loss, loneliness, disability, relocation, and other life difficulties. Stephen Ministers are members of our congregation who receive intense and thorough training to better enable them, with strict confidentiality, to listen, care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support to those facing crisis.
This ministry can be reached by calling the church office at (850) 627-6576.